Concerning the written works in chemistry and biology for pupils of additional schools

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Concerning the written works in chemistry and biology for pupils of additional schools

The control and organization of most kinds of written tasks are completed on the foundation of consistent demands for students to talk and compose.

Kinds of written works of pupils

The primary forms of class and house written work of pupils are academic documents, such as:

– plans and lecture notes of this instructor;

custom argumentative essay – tasks and workouts in chemistry;

– chemistry and biology abstracts;

– plans of articles along with other materials from textbooks;

– responses to concerns on biology and chemistry;

– reports regarding the utilization of laboratory and practical work with biology;

– reports in the performance of laboratory experiments and practical work in chemistry;

– reports on specific or team projects based on excursions in biology and chemistry;

– reports on summer time tasks in biology (6th grade) (the first biology class into the 7th grade);

– do-it-yourself innovative works, that are provided in the discernment regarding the instructorto specific pupils;

– compilation of analytical and generalizing tables, schemes, groups, etc. (without copying tables that are ready-made schemes of textbooks).

Purpose and number of pupil notebooks in biology and chemistry

To execute various types of academic work, pupils should have the next amount of notebooks:

Biology – 2 notebooks:

– 1 notebook – a workbook where written work is done within the class room, including laboratory work. Functions are examined;

– 2 notebooks – for practical work and knowledge control, where reports are drawn through to the performance of practical work, tasks for the control over pupils’ knowledge are done (test tasks, evidence tests). Functions are assessed;

Requirements for the utilization of laboratory and practical work, excursions and summer time tasks in biology are managed because of the biology curriculum for several forms of additional schools relative to standard needs.

On biology – for the performance of tests, unique notebooks aren’t needed. It is suggested to do tests in notebooks for practical Knowledge and work control. The norms for doing control works on biology aren’t managed.

Your order associated with pupil’s notebooks

Pupils should make all entries within their notebooks in conformity because of the following requirements:

1. Write in a neat and handwriting that is legible.

2. Uniformly carry the inscriptions out on the address associated with notebook:

– suggest exactly just exactly what the notebook is supposed for (for instance: for practical work with chemistry);

– the course

– quantity and title associated with the college;

– suggest the title and surname;

1. take notice of the industries through the exterior;

2. usually do not miss the top type of each sheet;

3. Indicate where in actuality the work is done (class or house);

4. Write on a split line the title regarding the tutorial subject, plus the topics of penned work (laboratory, practical work) together with amount of laboratory and work that is practical

5. Indicate the true amount of workouts, tasks, test tasks, etc .;

6. Specify the sort of strive to be performed (plan outline, answers to concerns, visual dictation, test task, etc.);

7. usually do not skip a relative line amongst the date and name, the title associated with the variety of work plus the name, in addition to involving the name therefore the text in notebooks. Involving the line that is final of text of 1 written work while the date or name (type name) associated with the next work with notebooks, skip 2 lines (to separateone work from another and to score for the ongoing work).

8. Accurately underline, legend having a pen or pencil, if required utilizing a ruler.

Just how to correct mistakes and mistakes?

Proper mistakes the following:

– wrongly written page or punctuation mark should be crossed away with an oblique line;

– the main term, term, phrase – a slim line that is horizontal

– as opposed to strikethrough, inscribe the necessary letters, terms, sentences;

– try not to place spelling that is incorrect brackets.

Workbooks on biology (chemistry) contains all written work supplied for in the tutorial, in addition to reports regarding the performance of laboratory work (experiments). The tutorial summary includes all definitions of brand new principles, terms learned when you look at the class, diagrams, drawings, tables that the instructor shows in the blackboard or asks to publish. Notebooks should be neat, done with a blue paste pen. Schemes, drawings, tables are designed call at pencil. The caliber of maintaining notebooks is examined in the demand associated with instructor. Checking notebooks is performed as required as well as in conformity with all the demands when it comes to verification of written focus on biology and chemistry.

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